Who am I?

A mother of four and a grandmother, I've lived in the Cowichan valley for 46 years, and spent summers, weekends and holidays here for 65.
A descendant of English coal miner settlers on my fathers’s side -- starting with Jonathan Bramley, of Extension -- who settled in the Nanaimo area in the late 1800's - you could say that side of my family was one of those that displaced our 1st Nations in the name of colonization sadly. For these and many other personal reasons I am very committed to Reconciliation, serving the Region through the CVRD as its Treaty Representative at the Hul'qu'mi'num main table for four years.
My mother’s family came in the 1920’s from Finland and settled in New Westminster.
The Cowichan valley has been the best place I could imagine to have raised my four children. I feel inordinately blessed to call it home.
Council Committee and Liaison Appointments
First Nations Relations Standing Committee
Parcel Tax Review Panel
Audit Committee of the Whole
Island Savings Centre Commission Alternate
Chemainus Festival of Murals Society
Cowichan Housing Coalition
CVRD Director
Standing Committees of CVRD
Committee of the Whole
Cowichan District Hospital Board
Past Corporate Services Committee - Chair
Past Vice Chair of Transportation Committee
Past member of the Cowichan Valley Safety Commission
Liaison Appointments
Treaty Advisory Commission - Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
Past Experience:
Two-term Cowichan School Trustee (Kathy Ross) Chemainus-Crofton Community Small
Education Committee Chair School's Planning Council
Finance Committee member Parents' Advisory Council, Chemainus
Policy and Personnel Committee member Cowichan Valley Hospice - volunteer
Eaves Park Board
Past Council Appointments
Environmental Advisory Committee - chair
Climate Change Advisory Committee - chair
Parks and Recreation Committee- Chair
Sports Hall of Fame Committee Chair
Chemainus Advisory Committee
North Cowichan Protective Services
North Cowichan Public Works Committee
VIRL - Vancouver Island Regional Library - Trustee
CVRD - Alternate Director for Jon Lefebure
NC Temporary Communications Committee
Past Council Liason Appointments
Social Planning Cowichan
Somenos Management Committee
Success by 6
After my tenure as Trustee, I took time
out to raise a second family directing my public service at the home and school level. I am currently in my third term on NC Council. There has been a sea change in the tone of public engagement, with the increased input on social media. some of it is respectful and some of it is, well, frankly, bullying and abusive. It takes a thick skin to read this stuff. My hope is that the tone of public discourse improves, not just here, but all over the world. |
I worked as an education assistant, and in 1995, I started offering personal and professional development strategies to individuals, families, schools and organizations, facilitating workshops, tele-seminars and retreats as a Master Facilitator with The Virtues Project. I have also facilitated A Way of Council.
"I fully support The Virtues Project, which promotes such universal values as love, kindness, justice and service." -- the Dalai Lama |
What others say:
"Kate was a very active school trustee. She did her homework and well understood her role as both a citizen and a politician. She understands the importance of good taxation policies that both enhance the quality of life in our municipality and make them affordable for all citizens. Kate will be a conscientious, hardworking Councillor for North Cowichan and it is my pleasure to endorse her candidacy in the November Municipal election."
Anne Murray -- former Councillor & Mayor, Freedom of the Municipality of North Cowichan
"A candidate who can see business as part of the solution, and is willing to reach out. Kate has our support."
Dave Haberman, businessman
"As an active member of the Chemainus Secondary PAC and a valuable member of the School Planning Council, Kate used her excellent facilitation skills to work towards providing ongoing community and district support for the school. Kate demonstrated a gentle approach in looking for solutions that respected the needs of the school while still understanding the pressures of fiscal restraints and I have no hesitation in supporting her as a candidate and wish her success in this endeavour."
Ron Nunweiler -- Acting Director of Middle/Secondary Education, Former Principal, Chemainus Secondary School