Why might you want to do this? If you are one of the 5 selected finalists, you receive a free energy audit on your house, an energy monitor to help you track your usage, help from a mentor in your area on ways to save on energy in five areas: energy, water, transportation, food and waste.
Five families for five weeks will receive five tips each week.
The North Cowichan Climate Action and Energy Plan has received 2 awards, in 2013 one from the UBCM and in 2014 a silver award from the Planning Institute of BC.
Transition Cowichan is providing mentors. All five households will be entered in a draw to win a six month supply of fresh organic fruits and vegetables to be delivered to their door in 2015.
Sign up here for the challenge and check out the go! Island coverage from Shawcable for even more information about the challenge and the award winning North Cowichan Climate Action and Energy Plan.
Good luck and happy conserving.