Hello everybody. Thanks for coming.
Local government is closest to the people it serves. Let’s all work together to make our future strong.
· Communicate. Listen closely. Stay open. Collaborate.
See people as more than “voters” “taxpayers” or even politicians but as invested citizens -- neighbours sharing our ideas and expertise because its needed and valued.
· Our future can only be strong within a healthy, sustainable environment.
One that:
- supports jobs and encourages new ones.
- makes strategic infrastructure investments
- Preserves green space
- keeps growth in urban cores
- supports affordable housing and local food
- protects ALR and watersheds
- implements the Climate and Energy Plan which can
Accountability is important. Yet a council can’t know going in what it will face, so promises about taxes beyond being good stewards are hard to make. Ideally future increases stay close to inflation.
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business says our taxes are 6th lowest of 29 comparable munis in BC.
Civic info rates us as 8th lowest of 22 on the island, 5th lowest if you include CVRD and School taxes.
Yet taxes burden many.
To keep what we have and attract responsible growth we must use dollars wisely and seek new sources.
Future plans must look at costs and benefits and what we are leaving for our grandchildren.
I am a strong experienced voice, a voice for community engagement a voice for balance between growth and the environment upon which all life depends.
check out my record and vision at katemarsh.ca
On November 15 keep Kate -- vote Kate Marsh