Senior staff from every department gave us a very informative overview of their roles and challenges and the current situation in their various departments. It was an invaluable first step in the steep learning curve for new councillors, in an informal format that allowed plenty of time for questions.
CAO Dave Devana explained the 20 priority projects that staff are working on -- both in operations and also capital plans.
Throughout they day I was impressed with the level of professionalism of each of the presenters - and also impressed with how much North Cowichan has accomplished as a municipality. We truly have an outstanding staff!
It was a day filled with budding camaraderie and for me, a confirmation that we live in one of the best possible places. That's not to say we don't have challenges before us.
One of the most exciting of the 20 priorities is the plan to work towards addressing our community's climate impacts and energy use - with your help.
To that end, Sustainable Solutions was awarded the contract to prepare the Climate Action Plan, which hopefully will be completed in 2012. This is a plan for all of us and we want to hear from the citizens of North Cowichan.
Right now, we're about discovering the ideas and actions, (big and small) that will lead us to a low impact, sustainable future.
Your ideas will help North Cowichan be a leader in sustainability. Please share them.
Workshops and online engagement are your opportunity to tell us what needs to be done and how we're going to do it. Last Thursday night at VIU there was a public open house, and a panel discussion. Although many turned out, there are many more that weren't heard from. Perhaps you didn't know about it, or you couldn't make it.
The group at VIU went through a community mapping process, tracking the sustainable and green things we are already doing. Then people were invited to share ideas verbally.
If you missed it, it's not too late. I'll let you know when the next meeting is. In the meantime, check out the amazing interactive forum and post your thoughts and ideas for sustainability, climate change adaptation and green economy actions there, and comment on people's suggestions or merely vote for ideas you like.
Get engaged in our collective future. Together, we can make our future strong.