Not only is it functional and beautiful, it has a 'calming effect'. It deals with traffic issues proactively and smoothly.
Struck me how much this valley has changed since I first moved here 35 years go. At first, as I understand it, the staff at DNC was not keen on round-abouts -- but got sold on the idea. (We're starting to have as many round-abouts as Chemainus has murals! :-))
Through consideration, consultation -- communication -- the idea became real.
Consulting and communicating are the ways we can grow together as a community.
A wise person once said that through the clash of differing opinions comes the spark of truth.
The Cowichan Valley, like North Cowichan itself, is a community of communities. So many issues to look at and deal with.
Watching the riots around the world I wonder, could that happen here? And I realize it could. Let's begin to build community -- listen to the spark of differing opinions. Address some of our pressing issues, like affordable housing and liveable-wage jobs.
The result here would also be a calming effect. Even when issues aren't completely solved, just knowing they're being taken seriously, that one is being heard has a calming effect.
Let's work together to make this the best place to live. We are, after all, neighbours -- let's be neighbours working together, to make our visions real.
I'm off for a week now. An annual retreat with a group of dearly loved women friends.
Hope you all enjoy these last few weeks of summer.